Monthly Archives: May 2010

Synchronized Production as a Turnaround Strategy

In a turnaround situation, cash is everything. Summarized here is the manufacturing turnaround strategy I have used to achieve major reductions in working capital and permanent production cost – sizeable positive cash flow impacts – fast.

How Close IS a Bankruptcy?

Don’t let a lack of understanding of just how devastating a bankruptcy can be to your company’s equity value and control prevent taking pre-emptive action to maintain control of the company’s fate – BEFORE the police are chaining the doors to the facility. Otherwise, the work of many years, even of a lifetime, and the equity value the company has built up can shrink to nothing in a startlingly short time period.

Outsourcing In a Turnaround

This article discusses the role of outsourcing in a turnaround, identifies the pitfalls that can derail the turnaround effort, and provides concise guidance on how to manage outsourcing in a turnaround effort while avoiding the wrong kind of surprise that could, in a financially fragile situation, prove fatal.

Leadership – Essential In a Turnaround

We often become so involved in the cash management, expense control and cost cutting aspects of an operational turnaround that we lose sight of the fact that this is a real, live business, with real, live people with hopes and fears who must perform well for the turnaround to succeed. This article puts the essential nature of effective leadership in a turnaround in in a clear light.