Category Archives: ERP

Enterprise Resource Planning

IT and ERP Factors in Turnarounds

In a financially driven turnaround, IT & ERP factors are frequently pushed to the side, with the belief that they take too long, or cost too much to help the turnaround. This article details why this is not always true, and when, where, and how you can, in an operational turnaround, leverage quick, effective action in the IT/ERP area to achieve short-term and lasting performance improvements.

How Inventory Distorts Cost Information

Inventory is an integral part of every product oriented company, whether it is a distributor, assembler, or vertically integrated production operation. It is normal for otherwise capable business, financial, production, and material management people to make major decisions that are intended to reduce cost that fail to take ALL costs into consideration, and so run awry.

Synchronized Production as a Turnaround Strategy

In a turnaround situation, cash is everything. Summarized here is the manufacturing turnaround strategy I have used to achieve major reductions in working capital and permanent production cost – sizeable positive cash flow impacts – fast.

Outsourcing In a Turnaround

This article discusses the role of outsourcing in a turnaround, identifies the pitfalls that can derail the turnaround effort, and provides concise guidance on how to manage outsourcing in a turnaround effort while avoiding the wrong kind of surprise that could, in a financially fragile situation, prove fatal.